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This book review briefly introduces the new concept of developmental trauma disorder, first coined by Bessel van der Kolk, to discriminate the total catastrophe of early childhood abuse and neglect from the relative catastrophe of posttraumatic stress disorder in adults. Sebern Fisher describes the disorder and the innovative treatment approach that she has found to be successful with these patients combining psychotherapy with neurofeedback. Through affect regulation, the approach helps this type of patient to release their trauma identity over time, thus developing a sense of self that enables them to engage in more fulfilling life patterns and relationships. Fisher provides us with a rich perspective on attachment issues as they affect brain function. Also provided are useful references and protocols and forms for clinical applications.

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Susan E. Antelis

Contributor Notes

Correspondence: Susan E. Antelis, MPS, BCN, BCB-Sr. Fellow, LMHC, 211 Broadway, Suite 207, Lynbrook, NY 11563, email: