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This paper examines the innovative integration of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) principles with biofeedback methodologies, presenting a novel approach to psychophysiological therapy. This paper uses Kevin Polk’s structured ACT matrix approach to elucidate how biofeedback can augment ACT processes, including acceptance, cognitive defusion, and present-moment awareness. The paper explicates practical techniques such as the “Hook Words Exercise” and “Verbal Aikido,” demonstrating their application within a biofeedback-enhanced therapeutic context. This integrative approach represents a significant advancement in psychophysiological interventions, offering a comprehensive framework for deepening interoceptive awareness and fostering psychological flexibility and value-aligned living while bridging the gap between cognitive processes and physiological responses. By exemplifying assimilative integration in psychotherapy, this approach offers a promising avenue for advancing both clinical practice and research in psychophysiological interventions, potentially improving therapeutic outcomes and client engagement.

Keywords: psychological flexibility; ACT matrix; assimilative integration; psychophysiological psychotherapy
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Copyright: ©Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback

Contributor Notes

Correspondence: Yossi Ehrenreich, PhD, 1 Peres Academic Center, Rehovot, Israel, email: