Editorial Type:
Article Category: Other
| Online Publication Date: Jul 01, 2014
The “Duhhh Factor”
The “Duhhh Factor”
Page Range: 88 – 89
Patients can learn self-regulation skills and biofeedback-assisted relaxation in the office, yet fail to show symptomatic improvement. In many cases, the individual is perpetuating behavior in the workplace or elsewhere that hinders healing and symptom reduction, or exacerbates their complaints. A brief case example of a 25-year-old male with repetitive motion injury from computer use serves to illustrate the problem. The biofeedback practitioners used cognitive reframing and humor to assist the patient to accept work and “workstyle” changes facilitating symptom reduction.

Katherine Gibney

Erik Peper
Contributor Notes
Correspondence: Erik Peper, PhD, Institute for Holistic Health Studies, Department of Health Education, San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132, email: epeper@sfsu.edu, Web: www.biofeedbackhealth.org, blog: www.peperperspective.com.