Editorial Type:
Article Category: Other
Online Publication Date: Jun 01, 2013

Hipponosis: Introducing Hypnosis to Children

Page Range: 71 – 74
DOI: 10.5298/1081-5937-41.2.02
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As a group, children are more responsive to hypnosis than adults are. Children are hypnotically talented because of their unique behavioral and developmental characteristics. Hypnosis cultivates imagination, and imaginative play is the work of childhood. In an emergency situation, very little explanation of hypnosis is needed. Creating a positive expectancy and the careful use of language is important. The article describes how the clinician, as the imagination coach, can introduce the concept of hypnosis to children. Young children may learn how a hippopotamus named Harry learned to use hypnosis to help himself with shots, a toothache, and anxiety and became a Hypno-potamus. For older children, hypnosis can be reframed as brain power exercises. A technique to engage cooperation and demonstrate the power of imagination to children is explained. The article also describes how to demonstrate experientially the mind-body connection: how thoughts and feelings can influence physiology. Teaching a child diaphragmatic breathing is an important first step in self-regulation. Harry Hypno-potamus imagination cards can be used to stimulate mental imagery, to teach breathing techniques and muscle relaxation, and most importantly, for ego-strengthening. Introducing hypnosis to children appeals to their quest for self-mastery, and teaching them hypnotic skills is a gift that lasts a lifetime.

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Contributor Notes

Correspondence: Linda Thomson, PhD, APRN, ABMH, 131 Thomson Drive, Ludlow, VT 05149, email: LindaThomson@Hypnovations.com