Functional Continuum Questionnaire
Thirty years ago, the Functional Continuum Questionnaire (FCQ) was developed to measure functional outcomes using biofeedback in an occupational therapy context. Initially, the assessment was designed to identify dysfunction in various areas that influence occupational behavior (daily tasks) and performance, to identify goals for therapy. Over time, the FCQ was reformatted to produce a score that correlates as a discreet point on a continuum of function/dysfunction (functional continuum). This score may be used as a pre- and post-assessment to evaluate patients' perception of change in function as an outcome of biofeedback and occupational therapy. The FCQ is presented in this article along with the functional continuum. A brief discussion about the theoretical framework—the model of human occupation—is provided. The statements used in the FCQ describe components of occupational behavior from the model, providing a comprehensive set of factors influencing occupational performance. The FCQ was also designed to provide a perspective regarding the unique focus of occupational therapy interventions, which can be communicated through the use of this tool. The FCQ has been used in my private practice over the past 30 years. It is an easy-to-use self-assessment tool that provides measurable data to identify patients' specific challenges in occupational performance as well as their overall perception of their function.

Functional Continuum Questionnaire.



Functional continuum.

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