Editorial Type:
Article Category: Other
Online Publication Date: Dec 01, 2013

Facilitating Motor Learning in a Child with a Chromosome Translocation: Applications of Quantitative Surface Electromyography

PhD, BCB and
Page Range: 188 – 193
DOI: 10.5298/1081-5937-41.4.06
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Physical rehabilitation typically conjures up images of an adult in physical therapy to recover from an accident or injury. Children are also the unfortunate victims of strokes, head injuries, and developmental disorders. In this case study, a child with a rare genetic disorder is helped to learn to stand using a modification of surface electromyography, quantitative surface electromyography (QSEMG). Over a period of twelve 1-hour sessions, she learned to stand with minimal assistance. Achieving these types of goals is of critical importance for the development of maximum independence in performing activities of daily living.

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Copyright: © Association for Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback
<bold>Figure 1.</bold>
Figure 1.

Ann's progress over 12 sessions. The first two values overlap. Both 11/8 and 11/15 are 24%.

<bold>Figure 2.</bold>
Figure 2.

December 13, 2012. Session progress, 50 minutes.

<bold>Figure 3.</bold>
Figure 3.

August 22, 2013, session progress, 50 minutes.

Jeffrey E. Bolek

Sarah Fultz

Contributor Notes

Correspondence: Jeffrey E. Bolek, PhD, BCB, Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital for Rehabilitation, 2801 Martin Luther King Jr. Drive, Cleveland, OH 44104, email: bolekj@ccf.org.