Editorial Type:
Article Category: Other
| Online Publication Date: Jun 01, 2013
Education: BCIA's Core
Education: BCIA's Core
Page Range: 46 – 49
The mission of the Biofeedback Certification International Alliance (BCIA) is to certify applicants who demonstrate entry-level knowledge and to progressively recertify them progressively as they expand their knowledge base and skill set through continuing education. BCIA requires accredited coursework to ensure the credibility of its credentials within the insurance and medical communities. Accreditation is provided by regional accrediting bodies, professional organizations, licensing boards, and BCIA itself. BCIA has developed flexible and inexpensive options for earning continuing education to better serve its North American and international audience.
Keywords: accreditation; certification; continuing education

Contributor Notes
Correspondence: Fred Shaffer, PhD, BCB, Barnett Hall 2400G, Truman State University, 100 E Normal, Kirksville, MO 63501-1820, email: fshaffer@truman.edu.